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PP20658    Wal-Mart - The Rookie - Promo Button

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Square BUTTON,DENNIS QUAID, wrote across the top of button.OWN IT ON DISNEY DVD AND AIDEO AUGUST 27,wrote across bottom of button.WALT DISNEY PICTURES PRESENTS THE ROOKIE BASED ON A TRUE STORY.Dennis Quaid is pictured on the front of the button,looking upwards towards the sky.In left corner at the bottom he is standing facing the sun holding a baseball in his left hand, and a baseball glove in his right.The young actor who played his son is also on front of button.


[December 2003 comment: Wal-mart associates were given this pin, to wear as a promo for the release of the movie, by the distributor for the movie company. The button is not metal. However the attachment device on the back of the button is a metal pin.]

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