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PP20859    Walt Disney Classics Collection Production Mark Pin Set - Donald Duck's Hat

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Donald Duck's Hat - The 1996 mark is a sailor's hat. The hat represents Donald Duck's on-screen debut in The Wise Little Hen (1934). "Who? Me? Oh, no, I've got a bellyache" With these words, the worlds most quick tempered duck was born.


To celebrate the Walt Disney Collectors Society Decade of Dreams, the WDCC has released a time-limited 10th anniversary pin set featuring the 12 production marks from the WDCC line of sculptures. This pin set will only be available during the year 2003. As a bonus for charter members of the Walt Disney Collectors Society (a member since 1993), there will be a charter pin as a free gift with purchase. See 20854


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© Disney

Walt Disney Collector's

Society Exclusive



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