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PP21092    Disney Auctions - Pre Production Proof Nebraska YoD #100 flag

Front Description

Nebraska State Pin LE 10 Pre-Production Proof, made for the 100 Years of Dreams series. Pin #100, as all states with DSs each carried their own.

This pre-production proof plate was used in the development of the NE pin designed by Fotoball for The DS's 100 Years of Dreams pin series. Ten pre-production proofs were created by Fotoball for internal use to verify size and color accuracy.

Every pre-production proof plate contains a legend of each of the pin's paint colors, which are then matched to the Pantone color matching system. Proof plates are signed (approved) by the member of Fotoball's Quality Assurance team to advance the pin production to the next stage.

3" x 3.25"


This is an Pre-Production Proof for Pin #8650

Back Description


13 Linked Pins

  1. WDW - Zebra - Serengeti Caravan Camp
  2. DS - Mickey - Texas - 100 Years of Dreams - Flag Star
  3. DS - Mickey - Nebraska - 100 Years of Dreams - Flag Star
  4. DS - Mickey - Tennessee - 100 Years of Dreams - Flag Star
  5. DS - Wisconsin Flag - 100 Years of Dreams #100
  6. DS - Mickey - British Columbia - Canada - Flag - 100 Years of Dreams
  7. DS - Mickey - New Brunswick - Canada - Flag - 100 Years of Dreams
  8. AP/PP DS - Texas - Pre-Production Proof Plate - Texas State
  9. AP/PP DS - Tennessee - Pre-Production Proof Plate - State
  10. AP/PP DS - New Brunswick - Pre-Production Proof Plate
  11. AP/PP DS - British Columbia - Pre-Production Proof Plate
  12. 100 Years of Dreams State Series #100 Florida (Pre-Production Proof)
  13. AP/PP DS - Wisconsin - PP - 100 Years of Dreams State Series - Pre Production Proof
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