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PP21254    Boot-leg - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Who's the Fairest Trader of All? (Pose #2)

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This appears to be a different pose of pin #20535. EVIL QUEEN PIN TRADER PIN!! It features the Evil Queen in the center with a light purple lanyard. She has a yellow crown and a teal border. Her eyes are open wider as if she is giving someone the "evil eye".


On the sides it says "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall" then at the bottom in purple and teal it says "Who's the fairest pin trader of all?"

It's limited to 300. Now, WHO IS THE FAIREST TRADER OF ALL?


backstamp reads: Limited edition

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1 Linked Pin

  1. Boot-leg - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Who's the Fairest Trader of All? (Prototype)
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