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PP21464    DAK Cast Exclusive - 5th Anniversary (Dangle)

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This pin was issued to the cast members of Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World to celebrate the park's 5 year anniversary.It says 5 years of adventure and magic, and at the bottom of the pin it says Disney's Animal Kingdom. It also shows the Tree of life with some animals walking past. The colors are mainly in warm tones of yellow, orange, red, and brown. Mickey Mouse dangles from a gold chain below the pin.The pin comes on a card, the words in small print at the bottom of the card say "Thank you for creating the adventure and magic that is Disney's Animal Kingdom! Together we can make the next 5 five years even more incredible than the first!" And it's signed "Beth". "Beth Stevens Vice President Disney's Animal Kingdom/Animal Programs."


This is a Limited Edition pin that was given exclusively to the Animal Kingdom employees. The Managers put the names in of each employee and the Company made only that amount of pins. Edition size is unknown and not every employee at Animal Kingdom received one.

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