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PP21587    Japan - Wendy Darling - Peter Pan - JDS

Front Description

This Wendy pin is from the Disney stores in Japan. it is 1" wide and approximately 1/2 inch high. It was released in a set of 5 pins. The set is number


Wendy Darling is one of five pins in a mini pin set (#3083) released at Japan's DSs. Wendy, facing right, is flying with her right arm to the left and left arm in front of her head to the right. She wears her light blue bed clothes or nightgown.

The pin measures 1 1/8" (28 mm) wide by 3/8" (10 mm) tall.


Set #3083, Tinker Bell #19240, Michael #9287, John #9288, Wendy #21587, Peter Pan #37355.

Back Description

The backstamp is extremely small, but reads, "© Disney, MADE IN CHINA."

5 Linked Pins

  1. Japan - Peter Pan Cast Set - JDS
  2. Japan - Michael - Peter Pan - JDS
  3. Japan - John - Peter Pan - JDS
  4. Japan - Tinker Bell - Peter Pan - JDS
  5. Japan - Peter Pan - Flying - JDS
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