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PP21877    Small shiny gold Oliver from Oliver & Co.

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This Oliver (from Oliver & Company) was sold at Sears in the late 1980s. It is made of a thin, shiny gold metal and came in a grey velvet, drawstring bag.


Oliver is just slightly over 1" long and has a brooch-style pin. It is marked ©1988 Disney on the back.


There is a similar pin of Dodger (#21880), but I have never seen any other characters from this movie of this style and size (although there were 5 much larger pins of the same general style that were sold by Sears at the same time, see ##16686, 16687, 16688, 16689 and 16690).


Sears also sold a barrette that was identical to the this pin (except for the back).

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2 Linked Pins

  1. Large Shiny Gold Oliver Pin 1988
  2. Small shiny gold Dodger from Oliver & Co.
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