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PP22945    Beautiful Jasmine

Front Description

Pin of beautiful Jasmine. Pin depicts Jasmine from the side looking over her shoulder. Pin is marked Disney on the back and measures 1.25" (30mm). From the movie Aladdin.


Princess Jasmine holds her hand close to her neck and her long hair twirls around her hips. All of her facial features and details on the pin are outlined in gold. Her headband is white - in the movie, it is turquoise to match her outfit. On the headband the gem is mid blue/navy in colour. Princess Jasmine smiles. This pin has a smooth, epoxy finish to it.


This pin came on a white Mickey Mouse Shaped backer card that is entitled "Euro Disney R Collection, C Disney". On the back of the card the SKU # is 00018001327 and the price FF 25.00 (French Franc).

Back Description


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