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PP23207    WDW - Jasmine - Aladdin - Sparkle Compact

Front Description

This open stock rack pin released at WDW is one of a series of pins released. Each round pin features the house or castle the Princess lives in on the outside surrounded by glitter. When you open the pin up it reveals a mirror on the top and the Princess on the bottom. Very much like a compact.


Jasmine from Aladdin is featured here. Her name is on the outside of the compact as well. Not to be confused with pin 45442 - this pin says 'Jasmine' on the top whereas pin 45442 does not.

Back Description

Back of pin: Disney Official Pin Trading Logo 2003 ©Disney Made in China

8 Linked Pins

  1. WDW - Ariel - Little Mermaid - Sparkle Compact
  2. WDW - Aurora - Sleeping Beauty - Sparkle Compact
  3. WDW - Belle - Beauty and Beast - Sparkle Compact
  4. WDW - Cinderella - Sparkle Compact
  5. WDW - Snow White - Swow White and Seven Dwarfs - Sparkle Compact
  6. WDW - Tinker Bell - Peter Pan - Sparkle Compact
  7. AP/PP WDW - Jasmine - AP - Aladdin - Sparkle Compact
  8. WDW - Jasmine - Aladdin - Sparkle Compact
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