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PP24119    AP/PP WDW - Shere Khan, Cheshire Cat, Scar, Lucifer - AP - Wild Cats Basketball - The Big Pin Game

Front Description

This is the Artist proof of Pin 11519. The only difference is it has AP stamped on the back.


This dangle pin is the third of 8 pins being released as part of Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex Big Pin Game on June 1, 2002. It features the cats from various Disney Movies (Scar from The Lion King, Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, Shere Khan from The Jungle Book and Lucifer from Cinderella) all interweaved into the Wild Cats Basketball pin. The dangle portion of the pin is a basketball. This pin also features a unique bobble head.

Back Description

Stamped AP

The Gold back is sandblasted pebble finish, single post with barb, The Big Pin Game Logo, June 1, 2002 1 box: 1. Official Pin Trading Logo 2002, Limited Edition of 1500, © DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA.

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