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PP24588    Pocahontas plastic - Percy

Front Description

Percy, the pug, is sitting and watching in an arrogant way. The pin is made out of plastic. This is one of a set of 12 produced in the United Kingdom by Dufort & Sons Ltd


The complete list of pin numbers for this series is 24579, 24580, 24581, 24582, 24583, 24584, 24585, 24586, 24587, 24588, 24589, 24590

Back Description


5 Linked Pins

  1. ProPin - Percy - Pocahontas
  2. Percy (off-colour) from Pocahontas
  3. Pocahontas Gold Border Series - Pocahontas in Sun with Flowing Hair
  4. Pocahontas Gold Border Series - Percy
  5. Pocahontas Gold Border Series - Flit the Hummingbird
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