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PP2697    Old Hag - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast

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This design is of the Old Hag from Snow White. Character is facing to the left, with both arms raised to shoulder level. In her hands is the red apple. With the exception of the forearms, hands, and face the character is covered by the black cloak.


SET #12222, Grumpy #2690, Sleepy #2691, Doc #2692, Sneezy #2693, Dopey #2694, Happy #2695, Bashful #2696, Old Hag #2697, Snow White #9691


This pin is from a Cast exclusive set from DLR.

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9 Linked Pins

  1. Grumpy - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast Boxed Set
  2. Sleepy - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast Boxed Set
  3. Doc - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast
  4. Sneezy - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast
  5. Dopey - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  6. Happy - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast
  7. Bashful - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast
  8. Snow White - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Cast
  9. DL - Snow White and Seven Dwarfs - Cast Member - Boxed 9 Pin Set
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