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PP27101    DL - Mickey Cowboy - Silver PROTOTYPE - International Series Cowboy

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Released on 6/20/01, here is Mickey as a western cowboy. It is the first in a series of twelve International Mickeys. This pin is the Prototype of the pin described above - It was produced in Silver metal rather than Gold. Prototype of #5512.


Pins in this series include: #5512, #5513, #6043, #6044, #6353, #6354, #6355, #6356, #7563, #7564, #7736, #9103.

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13 Linked Pins

  1. DL - Mickey - Cowboy - United States - International Series
  2. DL- Palace Guard - United Kingdom - International Mickey
  3. DL - Mickey - Swiss Yodeler - International Mickey Series
  4. DL - Mickey - Samurai - International Mickey Series
  5. DL - Mickey - Mounted Police - Canada - International Mickey
  6. DL - Mickey - Mexican - International Mickey
  7. DL - Mickey - Australia - International Mickey
  8. DL - Mickey - Africa - International Mickey
  9. DL - Mickey - France - International Mickey
  10. DL - Mickey - Italy - International Mickey
  11. DL - Mickey - China - International Mickey
  12. DL - Mickey - Morocco - International Mickey
  13. DL - Mickey - Black Prototype - International Mickey Cowboy
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