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PP2965    DL - Glow in the Dark Haunted Mansion Doom Buggy (Goofy, Ezra & Mickey)

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Goofy (left) and Mickey (right) are surprised to find themselves sitting in the Haunted Mansion's Doom Buggy with Ezra, one of the 999 ghosts that "haunts" the ride. (The ghosts appear as riders end the ride and see themselves - and the unwelcomed ghosts - in a mirror in front of them.) The background is maroon and all are enclosed in an oval brass-like frame.


It was advertised as being glow-in-the-dark. Ezra's hair and the demonic creature at the top of the frame are the only things which glow. It has a matte finish and the maroon background has thin grooves in it which some consider to be an imperfection. The outer gold and grey frame is quite intricate.


It measures 1 3/4" (4.4 cm) by 1 3/8" (3.5 cm).

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