Front Description
This epoxy pin features the Disney Broadway Musical AIDA male & female logo in a orange/yellow color combination. Below the logo is the name of the musical. The text on this pin is in a orange/yellow color combination. The general backgound of the pin is in two shades of blue.
The pin is similar to #2498, except it does not have the words "Elton John and Tim Rice's' appearing above the logo.
The only back stamp is "Proudly made in the USA".
Based on other pins from some Broadway shows, this may have been a BCEFA (Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS) fund raiser pin, as it is similar in size and design.
Pin is approximately 0.75" wide and 1" tall, which is considerably smaller than pin #2498.
Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.
One member received this pin when attending this play on a class trip. It was given with the purchase of a CD.
Back Description