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PP31305    Disney Institute Experience the Business Behind the Magic

Front Description

This pin is similiar to PinPics #4798 which appears to have the epoxy type finish. This pin does not have the epoxy finish. The pin reads "Disney Institute Experience the Business Behind the Magic". The background is white with a gold edge. "Institute" is in dark blue while the remainder of the writing is in purple. The pin is backstamped with the Disney 2004 pin trading logo and copywrited Disney and is made in China. The pin was provided to the Society of Human Resources Professionals (SHRM) annual conference attendees in New Orleans, June 2004 by Disney Institute representatives spotlighting the various human resources and business training seminars available at Disney Institute. It was also given to select attendees at the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference and Exposition held in Washington, D.C. in June 2006.

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  1. Disney Institute Discover the Business
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