Front Description
This pin is the same as #23127. The only difference is that on the backside of it there is written: "5 AOUT 2004". This pin has been given to people in the park on this date to promote pin trading. It was retired the same day and now only available by trading with the CM's but without it's cardboard. On the carboard you can read in French (red) and in English (yellow):
"Join the Pin Trading Magic.
1: Look for a Lanyard and wear a grin!
2: Find the Disney Pin you've been searching for.
3: Trade one of yours for a great new pin.
Wanna try?
Have fun!"
There is also the DLRP PT logo
There were a few of these with the cardboard handed out at the Pin Gathering Sept 10-12-04 at WDW just by asking the DLRP CM that were attending the Pin Partner booth. You had to ask for one as they were giving away another pin with your stamped passport.
Back Description