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PP32315    DL - We Keep it Clean - Custodial Can Do Team - Cast Member Award

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Pin says "Custodial Can Do Team" and "We Keep It Clean" The pin is die-cut, and has the sweeper broom from the Sorcerer's Apprentice section of Fantasia in the center of a red circle wearing a custodial hat and a broom of it's own. According to a Cast Member, it is the new (2004)Custodial Cast recognition pin, with a very low edition size.

Similar to Pins # 2769 & #6912.

Backstamped c Disney, China.


From the Criteria for Cast Recognition using Custodial Recognition Pins:


"We Keep It Clean" Custodial Pin (GSM (Guest Services Manager)level or above can award, Team consensus for opinion based recognition)

* Recognition for Outstanding Positive Guest Comment(s) regarding cleanliness/performance (Requires Area Manger consensus)

* Recognition for Outstanding Positive Company Audit(s) regarding cleanliness/performance (Requires Area Manger consensus)

* Recognition for a Cast Member who continually goes "Above and Beyond" the requirements of their role (Requires entire Management Team consensus)

* Recognition for achieving outstanding technical proficiency within the Custodial line of business (Requires entire Management Team consensus)


Set: #6974, #48375, #32315, #3469, #26845.

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. TDR - Donald Duck - Vintage Plush - TDL
  2. Disneyland Custodial Guest Services Cast Member Pin
  3. WDW - Mickey - Cast Member - Custodial Award - Sweeping Mickey in Color
  4. DL - Mickey - Cast Member Award - Sweeping Custodial Mickey -Gold and Black - Gold Broom
  5. DL - Mickey - Cast Member Award - Sweeping Custodial Mickey - Silver and Black - Gold Broom
  6. WDW - Mickey - Cast Member - Custodial Award - Sweeping Mickey Gold
  7. DLP - We Keep It Clean - Custodial Can Do Team - Cast Member Award - Fantasia broom
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