Front Description
This pin show Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty with her left hand on her heart and her right hand is holding her stick with Diablo standing on it. Her cape is flowing gracefully around her.
Back says Disneyland Resort Paris Limited editon 1200 (while there should be 2400 since it is the set that is limited to 1200 and there are 2 pins per set).
Characters in set: Evil Queen and Maleficent.
Set: #33467, #33447, #33446.
Back Description
Gold sandblast pebble finish. 1 post (center). No barbs. No nubs. Disneyland Resort Paris. ©Disney. Edition Limitee 1200 EX (while there should be 2400 since it is the set that is limited to 1200 and there are 2 pins per set).