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PP34102    DLR Cast Exclusive - Nurse Minnie (Red Stripe Cap)

Front Description

This pin is a part of a lanyard and pin set (#34101) showing Nurse Minnie holding a thermometer with her other had behind her back. She is in a traditional white with red trim dress and hat. This pose is similiar to pin #1517. On the back the pin reads:

Disneyland Resort/Cast Exclusive/Limited Edition 1000/Disney/China.


Pin - 1.5"T x 1"W


The difference between this pin and #1517 is that 1517 has no gap between Minnie's legs and she has a tail. There is also a second red stripe in Minnie's cap and the strap of her stethoscope is brown instead of white.

Back Description


3 Linked Pins

  1. DLR Cast Member - Nurse Minnie (Red Stripe Cap)
  2. DLR - Cast Exclusive - Nurse Minnie pin and lanyard set
  3. DLR - Cast Exclusive - Nurse Minnie lanyard
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