Front Description
It has Goofy on a kite. The pin itself is shaped like a kite. The colors are dark green and light green with Goofy's face on it.
SIZE: approx. 0.875" x 1.5".
Pins in the DLR CLS Kite Series include: #34255, #34496, #34497, #34498, #34499, #34500.
Possible scrappers
Goofy's Tongue is red. The eyes, center of tongue, patch on cheek in front of left ear and tuft of hair are all metal in the scrapper version. The tail of the kite is trimmed with extra metal leaving less enamel to show. The scrapper version of this pin is otherwise similar in many ways to an untrained eye. The gold metal is slightly lighter in color and the pin is an ever so slightly bit lighter in weight and thickness.
Back Description
Silver back, single post, Official Pin Trading logo 2004, © Disney, Made in China, Disney’s Lanyard Pin Series