Front Description
This pin is pin number eight from Disney's Movie Club. It was given as a gift to VIP members of the movie club when they purchased a full priced movie, at the time of ordering the pin.
It's pin number one of the new set of pins they gave out during 2005, of favorite Animated Characters.
It came with a Certificate of Authenticity, signed by Elizabeth Blake.
The pin itself has Stitch sitting down looking at you over his shoulder with a giant smile. He is sitting on a silver rectangle, with the words Disney Movie Club on it.
The back of the pin just has a pin stamp with Disney and the (c) in the circle.
Other pins in this collection: 20883, 25966, 26582, 28583, 30013, 31613, 33651, 37394, 39169
Pin Boxes: 33652, 39580, 39582
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