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PP36436    Collectors Movie - Logo

Front Description

One of the pins in Disney Collectors Pin Set Limited Edition 1000 (#9072). At first glance, this appeared to just be a label, but it is, in fact, a two post pin...go figure.


The pin is a sign. The "Disney" signature is in red, at left; on the right are the words, "Collectors Pin Set" (in red) and "Limited Edition 1000" in black. It has a white background, framed in a thin blue line.


The pin measures 4" (10.1 cm) by 3/4" (2 cm). The back of this unique pin has no markings.

Back Description


6 Linked Pins

  1. DIS - Woody, Jessie and Bullseye - Toy Story 2 - Countdown To the Millennium - Pin 15
  2. DIS - Tarzan - 1999 - Countdown To the Millennium - Pin 16
  3. Collectors Set
  4. Collectors Movie - Little Mermaid II - Melody & Sebastian
  5. Collectors Movie - Tarzan
  6. Collectors Movie - Toy Story 2
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