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PP38052    Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy Rough Drawing)

Front Description

Pin 1 of a set of 4 pins showing the animation process of Disney character Goofy (#18732).


Goofy appears as a rough drawing (portrayed in pewter) gray. In the set he is shown upside down. Goofy grabs for his hat with his left hand; his right hand braces for a fall and his legs are spread.


Goofy is 2" (5 cm) wide and 1 5/8 (4.2 cm) tall.


On the Certificate of Authenticity: Rough animation drawings can be packed with passion and power or can make you laugh. Animators work with rough drawings that portray action, mood, timing, weight, and volume. And every drawing must look like the character - what the Animators call being "on model." Without movement or a word of dialogue, a character drawing must convey when the character lived, how rich or poor the character is, if the character is comic or noble, the age of the character, and if we should love or fear them.


This limited edition pin set was designed exclusively for Off the Page at Disney's California Adventure.


Within the set, this pin is mounted on a card that depicts Goofy in reproductions of original animation drawings and features a quote from Walt Disney: "I am interested in enteraining people, in bringing pleasure, particularly laughter, to others."


Other pins in the set are (#38053), (#38054) and (#38057).

Back Description


10 Linked Pins

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  2. Donald Duck Framed Animation Study
  3. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy)
  4. Donald Duck Animation Study
  5. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy Half-Painted)
  6. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy Complete)
  7. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Animation Building)
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  9. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Half-Painted Donald)
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