Front Description
Fairy Godmother is one of six pins in a Cinderella set (#3355) sold at the Magic Kingdom, inside a dark blue velvet box.
Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, facing right, hold her gold wand high in the air with her left hand; her right hand is raised as well. She wears her outfit from the movie in light purples with a maroon bow.
This pin is similar in pose to (#833), but it is different in size and in that (#833) connects the right hand with the head with a piece of metal (whereas in this pin, it is cut out).
The pin measures 1 5/8" (4.1 cm) tall by 1" (2.5 cm) tall
Set #3355, Bluebird #40557, Cinderella 40556, Fairy Godmother #40558, Jaq/Gus #40561, Glass Slipper #40562, Jaq #28862
Back Description
the reverse reads © DISNEY, CHINA.