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PP4190    WDCC - Mrs. Potts, Chip, Lumiere and Cogsworth Set

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3-piece gift set of the Beauty and the Beast's Lumiere, Mrs. Potts with son Chip, and Cogsworth the Clock, in a faux velvet case. Given out at the DSs, Disneyland and Walt Disney World during the March 3-4, 2001 WDCC Event as a gift when Belle's "Great Wide Somewhere" figure was purchased.


This set was also sold at retail stores that carry WDCC.


#4190, #9709, #9710, #9711


search: Belle

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3 Linked Pins

  1. WDCC - Cogsworth - Beauty and the Beast
  2. WDCC - Mrs. Potts and Chip
  3. WDCC - Lumiere
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