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PP4375    Donald Duck Framed Animation Study

Front Description

Beautiful framed animation study of Donald Duck. The set consists of three pins of Donald. One pewter, simulating a rough sketch, one partially colored (as if being painted on a cell), and one full color. In addition, there is a fourth pin in the lower corner representing the DCA Animation Building logo. As a background to the pins, there are a series of sketches (outlined as well as colored) of Donald in several poses echoing the pins. Below the pins is a quote from Walt Disney, "We keep moving forward because curiousity keeps leading us down new paths." This wonderful set is limited to 2001 plus 201 artist proofs. Each one is hand numbered as to its place in the edition (i.e. 40/2001). As of 3/2001, there are five different pin sets in this series; each featuring a different character (such as Donald, Mickey, etc.) and a different quote by Walt Disney. According to the Certificate of Authenticity on the back of the frame, the pin sets are exclusive to OFF THE PAGE; the store at the Animation attraction in Disney's California Adventure.


Individual pins in this set include the Animation Building Logo (#38057), Rough Donald Drawing (#64070), Half-Painted Donald (#64071) and Complete Donald with Pail and Boat (#64072).

Back Description


10 Linked Pins

  1. DL - Mickey - Disneyland 45th Anniversary - There's Magic in the Stars
  2. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy)
  3. Donald Duck Animation Study
  4. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy Rough Drawing)
  5. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy Half-Painted)
  6. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Goofy Complete)
  7. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Animation Building)
  8. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Donald Rough Drawing)
  9. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Half-Painted Donald)
  10. Disney Animation Sketches Pin Set (Complete Donald with Pail and Boat)
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