Front Description
This gold metal pin is given to cast members for completing ten years of service (employment) and can be worn on their nametag. This pin oval in shape and has a castle in the middle above the number 10.
The year pin is normally given to cast members on the last week of there year month. This award for service is sometimes given in a ceremony with the current president of disneyland as well as Mickey Mouse, who give you your year pin along with a bronze wall plaque engraved with the cast members name thanking them for the ten years of service, afterwhich there is a picture session and cake. This event is open to family and friends and at DLR has taken place at Aladdin's Oasis. Sometimes there is no ceremony and the cast member is given the pin by a manager at another event or at his work station. In case of loss, only one extra issue of this pin can be given out for a CM's entire Disney profession. The extra pin is charged at $10.00 and the purchase is placed in the CM's employee record.
Size of pin is 11/16" (1.8 cm) high and 3/8" (1.0 cm) wide. The back has © Disney.
Back Description