Front Description
Winnie the Pooh stands facing slightly left. He is wearing Easter bunny rabbit ears, a white tail and a red shirt. In his arms Pooh holds a blue woven basket full of colored and striped Easter eggs. A couple Easter eggs are near his right foot. Size: 13/16" wide x 1 3/8" high
Set #42507, #43927, #44816, #44817, #44818, #44819, #44820, #44821, #44822, #44823.
Similar to #12512.
DLR - 11/04/05 SKU: 9964219
Back Description
pin trading logo, Official Pin Trading 2005, Based on the 'Winnie the Pooh' works by A.A. Milne & E.H. Shepard, 4 of 9, ©Disney, China."