Front Description
This is a pin which is a replica of a stamp from Togolaise. It has Donald Duck opening a present with Chip inside holding a Happy Birthday sign.
Note the coloration error; below the blue box Donald is holding, the background is white instead of the same color as the rest of the background.
The back says Non-exclusive Licensee of the United States Post Office. Stamp Design Copyright U.S.P.S... Pin made by Jonathan-Grey Associates Santa Ana, CA
In the upper right corner is a blue circle with Donald's head, reading "Happy Birthday Donald Duck - 1934-1984." In the lower left-hand corner are the words, "FETE d ANNIVERSAIRE de DONALD TIC" and on the side are the words "MCMLXXX WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS."
Another member's pin is backstamped:
"JG&A Jonathan-Grey Associates, Tustin, CA."
member writes 13/8/2009
Was also sold in a framed 5-pin set through the USPS with the following pins:
Turks Caicos Is 5 cents (#9019), Dominica $3 (#1809), Saint Lucia 5 cents(23263), Grenada 1/2 cent (6726), and Togolaise 5f (#4621).
Back Description
This gold pin back has a waffle pattern, one pin post w/ barb, JG&A, JONATHAN GREY & ASSOCIATES, TUSTIN, CA.