Front Description
This pin has Daisy Duck chasing Donald Duck with a rolling pin like in the ride Pirates of the Caribbean.
Daisy is wearing a light pink shirt with a purple dress on, holding the rolling pin in her left hand.
Donald is wearing a long light pink shirt with a short blue shirt on over it. He's holding a bowl with fruit in it. He also slides.
WDW Sku - 10939062
DLR SKU 400011007751
Set is: 47205 FOR $65.00
Set #47205, Stitch Well Scene #46410, Minnie Mouse with Peglegged Pete #46846, Minnie Mouse and Stitch #46843, Mickey and Donald Treasure Scene #46842, Daisy Chasing Donald #46841, Goofy with Hairy Leg #45776, Fab 4 Jail Scene #45775, Pirate Stitch Completer #47204
TDR - 7/20/2007, SKU 0405711000288
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