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PP47204    Pirates of the Caribbean - Illustrated Collector Set - Pirate Stitch (Completer Pin)

Front Description

This Completer pin features Stitch as a pin-on-pin. This pin can only be acquired by purchasing the Pirates of the Caribbean - Illustrated Collector Set. Stitch is wearing a patch over his left eye, a bandana on his head, and a pirate hat with a jolly roger in the middle of it. Underneath Stitch's head are two swords crossing. Stitch is appearing to be the Talking Skull from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean Attraction.

Set is: 47205 FOR $65.00


Set #47205, Stitch Well Scene #46410, Minnie Mouse with Peglegged Pete #46846, Minnie Mouse and Stitch #46843, Mickey and Donald Treasure Scene #46842, Daisy Chasing Donald #46841, Goofy with Hairy Leg #45776, Fab 4 Jail Scene #45775, Pirate Stitch Completer #47204


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8 Linked Pins

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean - Jail Scene (FAB 4) 3D
  2. Goofy - Pirates of the Caribbean - Hairy Leg (3D)
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean - Stitch and Goofy (Well Scene)
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean - Disney Characters - Daisy Chasing Donald
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean - Disney Characters - Mickey and Donald Treasure Scene
  6. Pirates of the Caribbean - Disney Characters - Minnie Mouse and Stitch
  7. Pirates of the Caribbean - Disney Characters - Minnie Mouse with Peglegged Pete
  8. Pirates of the Caribbean - Illustrated Collector Set
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