Front Description
Fairy Merryweather gazes upon the happy couple on this pin, one of a series of pins from a boxed set (#31982) commemorating the finale of Sleeping Beauty.
Merryweather, one of the three fairies from Sleeping Beauty, faces left, her hands together up near her neck. She is wearing her many shades of blue dress, cape and pointy hat! It is very similar to the pose found on (#17717); the difference is that on (#17717) you can see the whites of Merryweather's eyes, whereas on this pin you can't.
Merryweather measures 1 1/4" (31 mm) wide by 1 3/4" (45 mm).
Set #31982, Birds #38515, King Hubert #47439, Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora #47440, Merryweather #47441, Squirrel #47442.
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