Front Description
This pin features an all gold Mickey Mouse holding a broom ready to sweep.
From the Official Disney Criteria for Cast Recognition using Custodial Recognition Pins:
"GOLD SWEEPING MICKEY" (Area Manager or above can award, Operation Manager approval needed)
* Recognition for Cast Member of the Year
* Recognition for a long term cast member (10 + years in Custodial LOB) who is retiring
* Recognition for an outstanding act/performance during an emergency situation
* Ultimate Recognition for cast member who has continually displayed clearly outstanding Job Performance and Guest Services over an extended period of time (Must have been awarded all other recognition pins prior to the Gold Mickey pin being awarded)
Pin measures 1-1/2 x 1-1/8 inches.
Set: #6974, #48375, #32315, #3469, #26845.
Back Description
Gold waffle weave pattern. 1 post (center). 1 barb. No nubs. ©DISNEY. China.