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PP488    DL - 1998 Attraction Series - Casey Jr. Circus Train

Front Description

Casey Jr. Circus Train from Dumbo fame is one of a series of pins released in 1998 to commemorate some of the most popular Disneyland attractions from that time and in the past.


Casey Jr. train - facing left and in red and blue with gold trim - was the little train that "thought he could" at the movie's start. He pulls a caliope car in blue and green with gold pipes. Smoke from Casey's stack form a cloud for the background to the name of the ride, which is at the top; the Disneyland logo is at the bottom.


The pin measures 1 1/4" (3.2 cm) wide by 1 1/8" (2.9 cm) tall. The backstamp reads, "DISNEY."

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