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PP4990    DLR - Dumbo Crows Set - Dopey, Dandy Jim, Specs Glasses

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This three-pin set was released at DLR on 29 Sep 2000 and features the three CROWS from Disney's animated DUMBO. In the center is Dandy Crow (aka Jim Crow) wearing a hat, jacket, spats and carrying a cigar. On the right is Glasses Crow (originally known as Specs), wearing a red shirt and teal hat. (He is the smallest of the 5 crows from the movie, but only these three pins have been made.) On the left is Dopey Crow. His hat is crownless with only the brim, so it falls down to sit on his shoulders. He wears a blue-and-pink striped shirt.


#4990, #18447, #41833, #41834

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3 Linked Pins

  1. DLR - Dumbo Crows - Dandy Crow (aka Jim Crow) Pin Only
  2. DLR - Dumbo Crows Set (Straw Hat)
  3. DLR - Dumbo Crows Set (Glasses)
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