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PP50880    Donald Duck - Hot Air Balloon (Red Hat)

Front Description

Identical to pin #8936, except Donald's hat is red instead of blue. This is the "Zip-a-dee-doo-duck" balloon that flew in hot air festivals that Disney participated in from the 1990s through the 2000 Millennium celebration. This pin was given out/sold at the festivals by the pilot.

This pin is very similar to pin #53298, but the white balloon on #53298 extends all the way to the gondola, with no dark area between the balloon and gondola like this pin and 8936.

This pin is 1 1/2" H x 7/8" W and has a textured background. The back is stamped "cDisney".

Back Description


2 Linked Pins

  1. Donald Duck Balloon
  2. Donald Duck Balloon Pin - Red Hat
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