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This pin is pin number 17 from Disney's Movie Club. It was given as a gift to VIP members of the movie club when they purchased a full priced movie at the time of ordering the pin.
The pin has Ariel (just her head with her red hear flowing around her) and Flounder. Just below Flounder and on Ariel's red hair are the words "Disney Movie Club."
It should come with a Certificate of Authenticity, signed by Elizabeth Blake, like the others.
Other pins in the series: 20883, 25966,26582,28583,30013,31613,33651, 35670, 37394, 39169, 41650, 42898, 44904, 46919, 48546.
Pin boxes also given out by DMC: 33652, 39580, 39582, 44953.
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