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PP56138    Disney Auctions - Mickey's Many Hats Framed Set (Top Hat Mickey)

Front Description

Mickey Mouse is Puttin' on the Ritz and looking snazzy in his black top hat with red trim, one of five pins in a special Disney Auctions framed set (#8388).


Mickey faces left, shown from the neck up. His expression is one of quiet confidence...a real man about town.


The pin measures 1 1/2" (38 mm) wide by 1 1/2" (38 mm) tall. The back has a double post and traditional Disney Auctions pattern; the backstamp is, "© Disney, Limited Edition 100, Disney Auctions Exclusive, China."

Back Description


5 Linked Pins

  1. Disney Auctions - Mickey's Many Hats Framed 5 Pin Set
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  3. Disney Auctions - Mickey's Many Hats Framed Set (Mexican Sombrero Mickey)
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