Front Description
Apparently part of a series from the Disney Gallery when they did some mail order catalogs in the mid 1990s. It came on a cardboard sale card which said "Why Grumpy, you do care.", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937 cDISNEY."
It reproduces the scene in the movie where Snow White bends over to grab Grumpy by the ears and plants a kiss on his forehead. Snow White, left, has her eyes closed. Grumpy, right facing left, looks up with a frown on his face. The pin is bordered in an ornate gold miniature frame.
The pin measures 1 1/8" (29 mm) wide by 1 5/8" (40 mm) tall. The back of the pin is covered in a dark black felt and has an old-style clasp back, so if there is copyright information under that, I don't know.
There is a Lady and the Tramp pin (#21046) from this series also.
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