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PP56185    Stitch - Aloha

Front Description

Stitch is holding coconut drink with umbrella wearing a red Hawaiian ( tourist style ) shirt with white hibiscus print and wearing a yellow lei. Pin measures 1 3/4" by 1 1/2" inch in size. Pin is same image as #12919 except the color of Stitch's shirt and lei.


DLR - Release Date: 07/27/07

SKU: 12742088

Retail: $6.95


This pin is also currently (January 2014) being sold at WDW with the general stock. It is stamped 2008 with sku 400015189279

Back Description


8 Linked Pins

  1. Disney Auctions - Pleakley - Lilo and Stitch
  2. Disney Auctions - Cobra Bubbles - Lilo and Stitch
  3. Disney Auctions - Captain Gantu - Lilo and Stitch
  4. Disney Auctions - Jumbaa and Pleakley as Tourists - Lilo and Stitch
  5. Disney Auctions - Stitch - Tourist
  6. Disney Auctions - Lilo and Stitch - Set
  7. Disney Auctions - Stitch Tourist Lanyard and Coconut Drink Pin
  8. DS - Stitch - Small Tourist - Coconut Drink
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