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PP59191    Bambi and Friends Plastic Case Set (Owl Only)

Front Description

The Owl from an older Bambi & Friends Plastic Case boxed set (#9413) released in the 1980s. The epoxy-coated pin shows Owl turned left, perched on a branch. The bird leans forward slightly, its wings pulled back slightly behind his back. It is shades of gray, light brown and brownish with a slight green tint. The branch of the tree has green leaves on both sides of the owl.


The pin measures 1 1/8" (30 mm) wide by 1" (25 mm) tall. The backstamp is, "© DISNEY, MADE IN TAIWAN."

Back Description


4 Linked Pins

  1. Bambi, Thumper, Owl & Flower - Bambi and Friends - 4 Pin Set
  2. Bambi and Friends Boxed Set (Bambi with Butterfly)
  3. Bambi and Friends (4 Pin Set) Thumper Only
  4. Bambi and Friends Plastic Case Set (Flower the Skunk Only)
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