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PP59214    DS - Cast Member Spotlight Star - #9

Front Description

This pin is similar to pin #20359 and pin #46033. This pin is white background with black and gray Mickey Head Logo and has a number 9 in Mickey's left ear. It also says Spotlight Star and DS. Pins were awarded to DS Cast Members who were in the top tier for 9 consecutive months. Back has no Disney logo, just the copyright and words Disney and China.

Back Description


10 Linked Pins

  1. DS - Spotlight Star (3/Blue)
  2. DS - Spotlight Star (4/Red)
  3. DS - Spotlight Star (5/Green)
  4. DS - Spotlight Star (7/Yellow)
  5. DS - Spotlight Star - (6/Purple)
  6. DS - Spotlight Star - (8/Green)
  7. DS - Spotlight Star - (10/Copper)
  8. DS - Spotlight Star - (11/silver)
  9. DIS - Spotlight Star - Diamond
  10. DIS - Disney Store Spotlight Star Award - Ruby - Cast Exclusive
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