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PP61887    Gladstone Gander - Head (gold base)

Front Description

This pin shows Gladstone Gander's head with a red hat. He is Donald's lucky cousin.


It looks like #27248 & #4289 but it is gold base and was not made by Bertoni.

Nothing is written on the back

Back Description


8 Linked Pins

  1. Bertoni - Daisy Duck - Head
  2. Bertoni - Donald Duck - Face Smiling
  3. Bertoni - Goofy - White Face
  4. Minnie Head (Red Outfit)
  5. Bertoni - Gladstone Gander - Head - Silver
  6. Bertoni - Pluto - Black
  7. Bertoni - Gladstone Gander- black
  8. Mickey's head - smiling
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