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This French pin set consists of 5 pins which were given in a store for the opening of Euro Disney (now Disneyland Resort Paris).
It consists of :
#3673 : Fantasyland - Kitkat
#3674 : Discoveryland - Sundy
#3675 : Frontierland - Nuts
#3676 : Mainstreet - Nuts
#3677 : Adventureland - Lion
This set was given with a card saying :
"Mini NUTS, Mini SUNDY, Mini KIT KAT, Mini LION et votre magasin sont heureux de vous offrir cette superbe collection de 5 pin's"
(Mini NUTS, Mini SUNDY, Mini KIT KAT, Mini LION and your store are happy to offer you this superb 5 pins collection)
All these brands are chocolate bar brands made by Nestle, one of the main official sponsors of the park.
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