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PP66580    WDW - Hidden Mickey Series III - Alphabet Ariel (A)

Front Description

This twenty-six (26) pin collection features the Disney characters with the letters of the alphabet. The "A" pin features Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid.


The authorized version of the A is slightly smaller than most of the others in the series. There are a few others which are slightly smaller as well.


Backstamp reads: Hidden Mickey Pin 1 of 26

ODPT Logo 2008 (c) Disney China

Pin Measures 1" Diameter. 2 pin nubs.


Pins in the Disney Characters with letters of the alphabet Collection include: #66580, #66581, #66582, #66583, #66584,

#66585, #66586, #66587, #66588, #66589, #66590, #66591, #66592, #66593, #66594, #66595, #66596, #66597, #66598, #66599, #66600, #66601, #66602, #66603, #66604, #66620.



Please be advised that there are unauthorized versions of these pins being sold from China directly to individuals not associated with Disney. No one can guarantee the authenticity of this pin.


Scrapper Alert: The scrapper A is slightly smaller in size than the legit pin. Also, the pin trading logo on the back runs in to the Disney china logo. Also you can feel the line work when you run your finger across it. Its not smooth like the real one.

Back Description


26 Linked Pins

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