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PP67240    RunA - Belle & Beast - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set

Front Description

Belle and the Beast Dancing is one of the pins in the Beauty and the Beast Box Set (#18657) released by the RUN'A Company and sold in Japan.


Belle (left facing right) and the Beast (right facing left) gaze into each other's eyes as they dance. Belle is in her yellow ball gown; Beast is in his black pants, white shirt, navy blue jacket or coat with yellow trim. His tail is seen to the right of him and there is a gold border around the pin itself.


The pin measures 1 5/8" (40 mm) wide by 2" (50 mm) tall. The back has a double post and reads "© Disney, RUN'A."

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. RunA - Beauty & the Beast - 6 Pin Box Set
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  3. RunA - Mrs Potts - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  4. RunA - Lumiere - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
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