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PP67248    RunA - Enchanted Rose - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set

Front Description

The Enchanted Rose in the Bell Jar is one of the pins in the Beauty and the Beast Box Set (#18657) released by the RUN'A Company and sold in Japan.


This is one of the early shots of the rose - before it has lost any of its petals. It floats in the center of the light blue bell jar, with two leaves on the left side of the red rose.


The pin measures 1/2" (14 mm) wide by 7/8" (23 mm) tall. The back reads "© Disney, RUN'A."

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. RunA - Beauty & the Beast - 6 Pin Box Set
  2. RunA - Belle & Beast - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  3. RunA - Mrs Potts - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  4. RunA - Lumiere - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  5. DLR - Tinker Bell Birthstone Collection 2009 - January (Garnet)
  6. RunA - Chip - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
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