Front Description
This pin, of Mickey Mouse throwing a baseball, has some neat features. On the baseball is written, 'Mouseketeer League'. In large letters written across the top, is GRENADA 1/2 cent. Tiny roman numerals at bottom read: circa MCMLXXX Walt Disney Productions.
The pin measures 1 1/8" (3.0 cm) wide and 1 5/8" (4.0 cm) tall. On the back is stamped JG&A Jonathan-Grey & Associates, Tustin CA.
Was also sold in a framed 5-pin set through the USPS with the following pins:
Turks Caicos Is 5 cents (#9019), Dominica $3 (#1809), Saint Lucia 5 cents(23263), Grenada 1/2 cent (6726), and Togolaise 5f (#4621).
Back Description
Gold weave pattern, single post, single barb. JG&A JONATHAN-GREY & ASSOCIATES TUSTIN CA