Front Description
This pin features a colored Mickey Mouse holding a broom ready to sweep. It was given to Cast Members in the Custodial Department that provide excellent service and receive written complements from guests. This custodial pin is also awarded at WDW.
From the Official Disney Criteria for Cast Recognition using Custodial Recognition Pins:
"Sweeping Colored Mickey Pin" (GSM (Guest Services Manager)level or above can award, Area Manager or above approval needed)
* Recognition for Cast Member of the Month or Quarter
* Recognition for outstanding Personal achievement
* Recognition for outstanding Guest Service noted through Guest comments (verbal or written) or Management observations.
* Recognition for continued exemplary job performance ( Must have been awarded the "We Keep It Clean" pin prior to the Colored Mickey pin).
* Recognition for an outstanding act of Honesty/Integrity/Safety i.e. returning a large sum of money.
****Be advised that there are unauthorized versions of this pin in the pin community being sold directly to individuals not associated with Disney.****
Pin measures 1-1/2 x 1-1/8 inches.
Set: #6974, #48375, #32315, #3469, #26845.
Back Description
Gold waffle weave pattern. 1 post (center). 1 barb. No nubs. ©DISNEY. China.